Sunday 14 October 2012


I remember waking up at 3 am in the morning, and suddenly having the urge to tell my sister how much i love and appreciate her. As i was awake and texting her, i realised how strong and unique our connection is as sisters. Our DNA makes us identify with eachother yet it seperates us from the rest. Its amazing how three indivituals that dont look identical on the outside but yet so identical in so may ways.
Iam blessed to have been able to experience and share this special bond with my two sisters Nokuphiwa and Sibusisiwe. They are a part of me and i, a part of them. As this blog is about Sisters, i gave my sisters the platform to share what does being a sister mean to them.

Nokuphiwa "Phiwe"

Nokuphiwa is my name bestowed to me by my ever so loving mother. I am an ambitious young woman dedicated to the greater things of life. I’m slow to anger, can love deeply and in love with being loved by others. I have a soul that is made out of sensitivity. Laughter is integrated in my genes that are expressed almost every minute of everyday – I love laughing. My name means gifted, talented and indeed I have been gifted with intelligence. My intelligence is what I most value about myself, it’s like a drug I’m addicted to as it is the foundation at which I will execute my goals and visions in my life. Aside from the Mercedes Benz S65 AMG parked outside my townhouse as a part of my vision, I see myself as a neurosurgeon. Medicine has a strong correlation to my caring nature as it was the love of caring for people where the inception of medicine came about. I’m currently doing a degree in Biochemistry and Microbiology which is nothing but a stepping stone to being what I was really called to be, a neurosurgeon.

I have always thought that my mother is the person closest to my heart but as I grow I realize that she is actually the rhythm of my heart beat. The person that is closest to my heart is my older sister Makhosazana. Being a sister to me means having a strong bond that no one else can break. It’s about being connected on so many levels aside from DNA, loving and being loved the same way with a love so simplistic, so refreshing, and untainted and is ignorant to the hands of time. Makhosi has indeed demonstrated this love to me. She not only stands beside me guiding me but she also stands in front of me defending me. She is my refuge that I can run to whenever I am troubled or hurt. We laugh together at things other people don’t seem to perceive as being funny because we have that kind of bond that we are the only ones who can see the underlying joke at the exact same moment. Sbusisiwe and i enjoy the silly side of eachother. Sbusiswe also loves to laugh and loves taking pictures of you unaware then randomly she will show you that picture just so she can have good laugh at it. Makhosi and Sbusisiwe are special and truly understands what being a sister is all about and I’m eternally grateful to have them close to my heart.

Sibusisiwe  Thandeka

I’m Sibusisiwe Thandeka well known as ''Sibu'' or just ''MaTha''. Born and raised in KZN, yes im proudly a Durbanite. I`m currently doing my matric year at Grosvenor Girls' High School, which I must say, this is the best year of my high school years. I'm talkative, loving, spontaneous, polite, relaxed, adventurous, and caring. Yooohhh.... how can I forget my love for Laughter! Having and enjoying a good sense of humor is what I love most about me. I'm also a very sporty person. Throughout my high school years I’ve participated in netball, soccer, basketball and drummies. Another thing that interests me is poetry. I have a deep passion for poetry (yeah, I love poems). Being 'extravagant' is my middle name. To tell the truth I'm not your average teenager. I like cars but have a passionate chemistry for motorbikes, yah! When it comes to my future in terms of a career choice I first considered doing LLB Law, i saw myself getting my masters in criminal law and eventually end up as a high court Judge. That’s what I envisioned for myself before but for some reason travelling is something i cannot live without. I wanted to have a career that is challenging yet the element of travelling being part of it. Piloting became my first choice because of my love for travelling and exploring our beautiful planet. Working for British Airways is one of my biggest dreams. Im always drawn to their smart and professional uniform and how pilots in general carry themselves. So that’s me, the short tiny girl with and extra ordinary dream.
As an individual going through the journey of life I`m greatful to have not one, but two sisters. Having a sister, to me is a priceless blessing. Having a sister like Makhosi means having someone who I can trust and confide in. She’s a sister that is loving, protective and has my back no matter what. She’s my second role model aside from my mother. I enjoy her  fun crazy character and the crazy moments we share, our bond is not hard to develop as the connection between us as siblings is automatically there. Yhooooo Nokuphiwa! (laughing hard) when we are together we can be quite mischievous *hides*. Nokuphiwa and I can relate more as we are almost the same age. Having sisters like Nokuphiwa and Makhosi is knowing u can laugh at your stupidity, share your wildest adventures and knowing u fit in there busy schedules. With everything said, everyone is part of Gods finest blend of human. That’s why i ask my heavenly father to be with not just me but my sisters too as we journey together through LIFE.


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